President Obama has been sworn in, Prime Minister John Key walked into the Ratana day celebrations with the Maori Party and the Gaza strip has been torn apart by Israeli military forces. The global recession has not ended and the impact of globalisation will no longer be restricted solely to the west. Asia has also weathered the recessionary winds. Coupled with bad weather patterns, it would appear that globalisation is being battered by elements beyond human control. What are the lessons for us dependent upon foreign trade, the ever changing exchange rate or indeed the dictatorial fashion trends set by the Euro-western catwalks. Is the answer - a focus upon Internalisation and independence. Looking internally for home grown talent is perhaps the appropriate pathway. Our homing instincts set in when we encounter difficulties, likewise Obama has called all Americans to refocus, regroup, rekindle and respond with what is truly the American "way" given the pressure that America is now experiencing on all its economic, political and social borders.
So far, Prime Minister John Key has made few major changes since coming to power. What we have instead is a new focus and more of a cautionary approach to change. I found it partly amusing but also praiseworthy that the Honourable Paula Bennett,
got herself into the middle of a teenage street brawl last week and became the street saviour of west Auckland. Some of the young people interviewed for comment made special mention of Hon Bennett's specific concern for the pale complexion brawlers rather than the darker toned participants. Nonetheless, that was political intervention at its finest. Any MP that can step into a brawling event on the street with the intention of maintaining peace and order - deserves 'national' respect. How appropriate that she is the Minister of Social Development!!!