Saturday, September 20, 2008


by Vinepa Aiono

Another Pacific candidate takes to pounding the "election pavement" in Manukau East. While I don't know anything about the political party that PAPALI'I TUIFAASISINA POUTOA PAPALI'I is standing for, I can say that I know him, his sister is a dear friend of mine and his family (like mine) is one of the first of the early Pacific settler families of Otara. His family home was a haven for many stray souls of the 60s and 70s who congregated there in Cobham Crescent for shelter, a homework centre, for friendship or just a warm meal. How appropriate that he should stand for the Family Party given the open house at all hours his parents offered to many young people of that time.
I'm sure the Hon. Tau Henare and Sua William Sio, who are also fellow "boys from the hood" and who have gone on to do great things will recall PAPALI'I TUIFAASISINA POUTOA PAPALI'I and the presence of his family in Otara all those years ago. As the saying goes, "The deeper your roots, the taller the tree grows". In this instance I hope the Papali'i family tree is the strongest. All the best to PAPALI'I TUIFAASISINA POUTOA PAPALI'I and hope he does Manukau East proud (but of course I'm only thinking of Otara since my mother still lives there).
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